Connecting Muslims to Jesus

Take some time to read through the articles and resources that interest you.


Pray for wisdom and boldness to take steps toward people around you.


Take what you've learned and apply it by engaging with people around you.

Key Components of Effective Outreach

1. Personal PreparationMuslim evangelism should follow the basic model of I Peter 3:15-16.

  • Be Spirit-filled.
  • Be equipped to give answers when questions arise from their interaction with your life.
  • Always act with respect toward them as persons whom God values and loves (not as targets or projects).

 2. Prayer –  Muslims are captive to a spiritual blindness, but God is at work “setting the captives free and bringing sight to the blind.” This is a spiritual war, and we must consistently trust God in prayer for each of our Muslim friends.

3. Make Friends – Most Muslims respond very positively to those who reach out to develop a loving relationship with them.

  • Your friendship should be genuine. Live out your faith by demonstrating how your relationship with God helps you deal with everyday aspects of life (family, job, fears, future). Godliness is attractive to a Muslim.
  • Your faith should be communicated early and naturally in your relationship with a student. Explain your faith – what you believe and why.

4. Read the Word – The Word of God as applied by the Spirit of God is what creates faith. Encourage your friends to read the Bible for themselves (preferably, with you) and to begin with Mark or Luke. If they do not have Bibles, obtain some in their language(s).

5. Know What You Believe We should know how to respond to typical objections that Muslims raise against the Christian faith.

6. Be Patient – Remember that there are many barriers for a Muslim to cross in order to place faith in Jesus—family, cultural, theological and political. Model the love and grace of Jesus. Continue to spend time with your friend even if he or she initially rejects the gospel.

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