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resources for ministry to south asians

Resources for Ministry to South Asians

Bibles Hindu students may initially prefer paraphrased  Bibles due to their narrative approach. While  a Bible in the mother tongue may be helpful for some, it is normally not necessary. Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name, by Sally Lloyd-Jones, is an excellent introduction to the Bible. Outreach Resources Jesus  through  Asian Eyes  is 

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Do's and Don'ts With South Asians

Do’s and Don’ts With South Asians

DO…serve your friends unconditionally out of love—no strings attached. DO…be respectful and courteous as you learn about your friends’ culture and beliefs. Ask intelligent probing questions. Remember the answers. DO…demonstrate authentic spirituality, a clear distinction from cultural “Christianity.” Let your friends see the differences Jesus makes in your life. DO…share your faith story with humility

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Building Bridges to South Asians

Building Bridges to South Asians

Due to many misperceptions of Christianity, it is unusual for Hindu students to honestly consider the gospel apart from contact with a Christian friend or community. It is within that relational environment that they can understand the gospel and wrestle with their questions. Our goal is to build bridges: Relational bridges of relational trust that demonstrate

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resources for ministry to muslims

Resources for Ministry to Muslims

Books  Evangelism and Outreach Answering Islam. Geisler and Saleeb. Baker, 2002. Engaging Islam. Georges Houssney. Treeline Publ., 2010. Understanding Islam and Christianity. Josh McDowell and Jim Walker. Harvest House, 2013. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Nabeel Qureshi. Zondervan, 2014. Cultural Issues Honor and Shame: Unlocking the Door. Roland Muller. Xlibris, 2000. The 3D Gospel: Ministry in

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do's and don'ts with muslims

Do’s and Don’ts with Muslims

DO…be loving, friendly, fair, and courteous. DO…be the initiator in the relationship. Take a personal interest in others, their culture and their nation. DO…make a distinction between true and nominal Christians. DO…pray with Muslims whenever possible, focusing on their needs. DO…ministry on a one-to-one basis (group settings for spiritual conversations are often not effective with

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