Resources for Ministry to Muslims

Take some time to read through the articles and resources that interest you.


Pray for wisdom and boldness to take steps toward people around you.


Take what you've learned and apply it by engaging with people around you.


Evangelism and Outreach

  • Answering Islam. Geisler and Saleeb. Baker, 2002.
  • Engaging Islam. Georges Houssney. Treeline Publ., 2010.
  • Understanding Islam and Christianity. Josh McDowell and Jim Walker. Harvest House, 2013.
  • Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Nabeel Qureshi. Zondervan, 2014.

Cultural Issues

  • Honor and Shame: Unlocking the Door. Roland Muller. Xlibris, 2000.
  • The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures. Jayson Georges, 2014.

Resources to Give to Muslim Friends

  • Glad News! God loves you my Muslim friend. Samy Tanagho. Authentic Publ. 2003
  • Dear Muslim Friend. Jerry Mattix. ECS Ministries. 2014


  • Adha and the Injeel. Fouad Masri. Crescent Project, 2004. (a gospel presentation)
  • Is the Injeel Corrupted? My Search for the Truth about the New Testament. Fouad Masri. Crescent Project, 2006 (a defense of the authenticity and reliability of the New Testament).
  • The Five Principles. This booklet, which explains five essential points for ministering to Muslims, is available in pdf format from upon request.

Web Sites 

  • – This video lecture series explores what the Bible teaches about the Messiah. Some of the topics covered are: the need for, the prophecy about, and the purpose of the Messiah, as well as answering challenges Muslims make to the trustworthiness of the Bible and the deity of Jesus.
  • – A wealth of articles and links for resources related to Muslim ministry.
  • – The public site for Coalition of Ministries to Muslims in North America. It has a number of resources and links to helpful information and testimonies by former Muslims.
  • – A site for ordering Scriptures in languages spoken by Muslims.
  • – A site for the multi-language JESUS film plus links to many other resources and cooperating organizations.


  • Crescent Project video series. – A sixpart series introducing the basics about Islam and how to engage Muslims in spiritual conversations.
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